Middle Santa Ana River Watershed TMDL Task Force

The MSAR TMDL Task Force was formed to implement TMDLs adopted by the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board to address exceedences of the fecal coliform objective established to protect the REC-1 use for waterbodies located within the Middle Santa Ana River Watershed. The Task Force is represented by a number of key watershed stakeholders including the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board

Various waterbodies in the Middle Santa Ana River (MSAR) watershed are listed on the state 303(d) list of impaired waters due to high densities of fecal coliform bacterial indicators. These waterbodies are: the Santa Ana River, Reach 3; Chino Creek, Reaches 1 and 2; Cucamonga Creek, Reach 1, Mill Creek (Prado Area); and, Prado Park Lake.

The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board adopted a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for fecal coliform bacterial indicators in December 2004. The TMDL became effective when the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave it final approval on May 16, 2007. The scientific data and analysis used to justify the TMDL is summarized in a detailed technical support document prepared by the Regional Board staff.

The MSAR Bacterial Indicator TMDL established wasteload allocations for urban MS4 and confined animal feeding operation discharges and load allocations for agricultural and natural sources. The wasteload and load allocations were established for both fecal coliform and E. coli:

  • Fecal coliform: 5-sample/30-day logarithmic mean (or geometric mean) less than 180 organisms/ 100 mL and not more than 10 percent of the samples exceed 360 organisms/100 mL for any 30-day period.
  • coli: 5-sample/30-day logarithmic mean (or geometric mean) less than 113 organisms/100 mL and not more than 10 percent of the samples exceed 212 organisms/100 mL for any 30-day period.

The TMDL includes a detailed Implementation Plan which describes a variety of activities that must be undertaken to meet water quality standards for the various waterbodies in the Middle Santa Ana River Watershed. In the decade following EPA’s approval, stakeholders throughout the watershed initiated a large number of programs and projects to comply with the requirements set forth in the TMDL Implementation Plan.

Copies of Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board Resolution No. R8-2005-0001 and TMDL Technical Document prepared by Board staff , as well as, deliverables submitted to the Board by Task Force stakeholders are available on the Regional Board Middle Santa Ana River TMDL webpage.

Since August 2001, SAWPA has been working with local stakeholders and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board to address exceedences of the fecal coliform objective established to protect the REC-1 use for waterbodies located within the Middle Santa Ana River Watershed.

In January 2006, the SAWPA Commission authorized staff to serve administrator of the Middle Santa Ana River Bacterial Indicator TMDL Task Force. In its role as administrator of the Task Force, SAWPA staff provides the following services:

  • a. Organize and facilitate TMDL TASK FORCE and TAC meetings,
  • b. Perform secretarial, clerical and administrative services, including providing meeting summaries to TMDL TASK FORCE members,
  • c. Manage TMDL TASK FORCE funds and prepare annual reports of TMDL TASK FORCE assets and expenditures,
  • d. Serve as the contracting party, for the benefit of the TMDL TASK FORCE, for contracts with all consultants, contractors, vendors and other entities,
  • e. Seek funding grants to assist with achieving goals and objectives of the TMDL TASK FORCE.
  • f. Coordinate with other agencies and organizations as necessary to facilitate TMDL TASK FORCE work.
  • g. Administer the preparation of quarterly and annual reports, as required by the TMDL Implementation Plan, and submit them as required by the TMDL Implementation Plan on behalf of the TMDL TASK FORCE.
  • h. Administrator of agreements to market and administer limited-used licenses for any excess offset credits generated by TMDL Best Management Practice implementation projects.

Agendas and Meeting Materials

Meeting Date Agenda Meeting Notes Presentations Handouts
March 6, 2025


Handout 1

January 29, 2025


Draft Meeting Notes

Presentation 1

Meeting Date Agenda Meeting Notes Presentations Handouts
November 20, 2023


Draft Meeting Notes

Presentation 1

June 26, 2023


Meeting Notes

Presentation 1

April 17, 2023


Meeting Notes

Presentation 1 Presentation 2

January 9, 2023


Meeting Notes

Presentation 1 Presentation 2

February 15AgendaMeeting NotesHandoutsPresentations
January 4AgendaMeeting NotesHandoutsPresentations

July 28AgendaMeeting Notes
April 26AgendaMeeting NotesHandoutsPresentations
January 23AgendaMeeting NotesPresentations

Middle Santa Ana River TMDL Program Work Products

TMDL Compliance monitoring associated with the Middle Santa Ana River Pathogen TMDLs is performed as a component of the Santa Ana River Watershed Bacteria Monitoring Program through the Regional Water Quality Monitoring Task Force.

Monitoring results, as well as, copies of the most up to date Monitoring Plan and QAPP are available on the Regional Water Quality Monitoring Task Force webpage.

TMDL Compliance monitoring associated with the Middle Santa Ana River Pathogen TMDLs is performed as a component of the Santa Ana River Watershed Bacteria Monitoring Program through the Regional Water Quality Monitoring Task Force.

Monitoring results, as well as, copies of the most up to date Monitoring Plan and QAPP are available on the Regional Water Quality Monitoring Task Force webpage.

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