Note: To be considered a prospective bidder, you must provide your contact information to SAWPA at 951-354-4246 or email so that you are added to the “Plan Holder List”. Being on this list will ensure you receive any Addenda that may be transmitted throughout the bidding process. Thank you.
Sealed Bids for construction of the Santa Ana Sucker Habitat Protection and Beneficial Use Enhancement Project, addressed to Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (OWNER), will be received at the office of the General Manager, 11615 Sterling Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503, until 1:30 p.m. local time, on the 21st day of June 2018, and then will be publicly opened and read. Any Bids received after this specified time and date will not be considered.
The WORK includes the construction of a native fish habitat structure in the active low-flow channel of the Santa Ana River. The structure will be constructed of boulders, rocks, cobbles, pebbles and other materials as specified. The structure will occupy a footprint of approximately 650 square feet. The WORK includes the construction of access to the habitat structure area.
The WORK is located in the active and flowing low-flow channel of the Santa Ana River upstream of the Van Buren/Santa Ana River Crossing. The habitat structure will be located within Riverside County Regional Park and Open-Space District and the Riverside County Transportation District’s right-of-way.
The WORK shall be completed in all respects within 30 successive calendar days from the effective date identified in the Notice to Proceed. All work is subject to CA Prevailing Wages and Davis Bacon Act requirements.
Bidding Documents may be examined, by appointment, in OWNER’s office, Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority, 11615 Sterling Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503. For information concerning the proposed Work, contact Ian Achimore, telephone: (951) 354 – 4233, email:
Bidding Documents may be purchased from the OWNER’s office for $15. Please stop by the SAWPA office, call Zyanya Blancas at (951) 354 – 4220 or email
A mandatory pre-bid conference will be held on May 31, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Project Site, located along the north side of the Santa Ana River along the east side of Van Buren Boulevard at the site access gate. Wear clothing and footwear that can get wet as the pre-bid conference will include walking in the active low-flow channel.