Sealed Bids for construction of the Irrigation Replacement and Landscape Refresh Project, addressed to Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority (Owner), will be received at the office of the General Manager, 11615 Sterling Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503 until 10:00 a.m. local time, on the 7th day of December 2023, at which time a meeting will take place so that the bids may be opened and read aloud. Any Bids received after this specified time and date will not be opened or considered.
A NON-MANDATORY (attendance is highly recommended) pre-bid conference and site visit will be held on November 14, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. at the SAWPA offices located at 11615 Sterling Avenue, Riverside, CA 92503. Bidders may visit the project site on their own by emailing Edina Goode at to schedule a date and time SAWPA is available.
To find out more information on this Invitation to Bid, go to: PlanetBids Vendor Portal.