SAWPA GIS tools consist of downloadable data, live maps and applications, and static map galleries.
GIS Data
Evapotranspiration (ET) Data
Includes Total Monthly ET data for locations in the Santa Ana River Watershed, and Upper Santa Margarita Watershed, and South Orange County. Monthly ET is calculated from daily ET downloaded from spatial CIMIS. Data is in file geodatabase format with attribute table containing the monthly ET data.
GIS Live Maps and Applications
List View
- 21. Regional Infrastructure
- 22. Groundwater Recharge Facilities
- 23. Wastewater Treatment and Desalters
- 24. Water Resources
- 25. Artificial Recharge and Desalters
- 26. Recycled Water System
- 27. Imported Water Infrastructure
- 28. Flood Control Facilities
- 29. Endangered Species Occurrence
- 30. Constructed Wetlands